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Act Now! :: Pre-order The Persistence of Crows

Tiny TOE Press


Tomorrow, October 8th, 2013, marks the release of the 5th Tiny TOE Press title.
Last minute pre-orders are still coming in via PayPal.
Thank you if your name is on this list.

Because of you
We will spend all week handcrafting “The Persistence of Crows” by Grant Maierhofer.
We will use a utility knife (with segmented blade) and a metal ruler
to halve each xeroxed ream of “The Persistence of Crows.”
We will score card stock into spines with precision.
We will use our custom designed jig to clamp squared books into place.
We will apply archival quality glue (mixed with a special ingredient) onto the spine
with love.
We will let the spines ossify.
We will use the same utility knife to shave the edges off each ossified book into clean right angles.
We will use our alphabetical stamps to mark the spine (title/author) then the front cover (title).
We will use our custom designed toe stamp to “brand” the back cover.
This process will take a lot of time.
Much more time than an offset printer.
This process is all too human.
Each book is its own body with discrete birthmarks.
This process will keep us happy.
It will keep us sane.

We hope the mojo will rub off on you.
We hope our books will keep you happy
keep you sane.

While the business of publishing books is often scaled to make economic sense
Tiny TOE Press specializes in small runs that don’t make economic sense.
Our books are far away from economics
that social science.
Our books don’t satisfy feasibility models.
Our books exist to make the world a better place.

You can read early reviews and excerpts here.
And you can pre-order order by clicking the green button below, save $2, and support life.

[wp_cart:THE PERSISTENCE OF CROWS by Grant Maierhofer:price:12.00:end]

Thanks for reading us.

Tiny TOE Press

October 7, 2013 7:27 pm

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