Truth is unassailable. It always has and always will exist. Whether or not that truth is free from concealment is a pertinent concern. If we are to describe truth, rather aptly, as light, then it is Julian Assange who has freed us from the eclipse casting a malevolent shadow over society. We cannot categorise truth; all truth, by virtue of its definition, is to share an equal and level plateau. No truth outweighs in value any other truth. In no place is this a more accurate philosophical representation than in a democracy, where the freedom motivating and directing each action is to be celebrated and upheld; be it said now that truth and freedom enjoy an intimate relationship. Without truth there can be no freedom. If we are to acknowledge that no man, however diligent, however devoted, and in whatever manner he applies himself, is incapable of undertaking and enjoying success in the task of grading truth then it must logically follow that all truth is worth sacrifice.
Those declaring themselves opposed to the actions of Assange seek to divide truth. They seek to denounce his otherwise honourable actions on the basis that not all truth is in reality equal. Some truths are more truthful than others, they opine. Some truths are more important to a healthy and thriving democracy than others, they say. In so doing, however, they conversely seek to collectively discard the truths delivered to us by Assange; they reject evidence of civilian casualties in Iraq, they reject video footage of the cold murder of civilians. Their own reasoning betrays their agenda. A contention that, in any transparent society, truth is to be held as the central mechanism by which that society runs in accordance, cannot be assaulted. And the entity delivering that truth is not to be persecuted. They are to be celebrated as being a crucial instrument within the machinery of democracy. Even stronger is the case for celebration where that entity sights the risk of hostility and proceeds to deliver. Assange has made his own sacrifice, and that sacrifice is to be applauded.
So few people in this modern era of comfort and indulgence would be prepared to forego their personal liberty in return for the progression of democracy. Millions benefit from and enjoy their residence in a democratic society, but only a minority would volunteer themselves to occupy the role of a defender of democracy; a role inherently magnetic to persecution and molestation. Over the ages, such characters have come and gone. Some have been remembered, most have been forgotten. The business of truth is a dangerous one.