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Deep Thought #7


I was going to write about how awesome and corrupt Wikipedia is, I was going to begin with something about Jimmy Wales being alive in our time, I was going to point out that we live in the time of Jimmy Wales, corrupter of fact, founder of Wikipedia, which will be around forever, long after Jimmy Wales has passed the ghost. But then I got to listening to Kesha singing in her weird way, singing about her junk,

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and that’s when it occurred to me. I said, We need to stop using the word junk so liberally. I said, You know that it can also mean male genitalia. I said, Not only that, junk can also mean heroin. So many words, I said, we have access to so many words, and yet we insist on using the same exact word, pronounced in the same exact way, to mean many different things, or at least as many as it takes until the word can become its own sentence. More specifically, until

Junk junk Junk junk junk junk Junk junk, is grammatically correct.


Junk junk junks junk junks junk junk junks junk.

Trash that decrepit Chinese boats discard, in turn, discards other trash that decrepit Chinese boats discard.

January 11, 2010 10:41 pm

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