Oil on canvas by Henri Rousseau
1. The new Rick Ross album, Deeper Than Rap, comes out April 21st.
2. On my birthday I can visit either Disney World or Disneyland for free, not both.
3. Yesterday, March 30th, 2009, a disturbed man jumped onto the elevated tracks of the Metrorail. The commuters had to exit the train via a fire truck ladder because the accident happened away from a platform.
4. More condos are sprouting up in downtown Miami. The housing market continues to dig its own hole.
5. Djokovic, the Serbian tennis player, advanced to the quarters of the Sony Ericcson.
6. Rousseau, the French painter known most for his jungle scenes, not only never left France, but also never visited a jungle.
7. Tomorrow is April Fool’s, and all PC’s are at great risk of the Conficker.c worm.
8. Hanon wrote the definitive piano exercise book.
9. If I had the ability to make direct eye contact with multiple people at once, I’d have more social influence.
10. Politicians are beginning to speak like Barack Obama.
Pray tell: What did you learn today?