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A Crash Course on The Egyptian Lover

Image by jeroen020

Image by jeroen020

There is no better introduction to The Egyptian Lover than his music.  We’ll start with a clip from the song titled “$”:

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In case you do not trust your ears, yes, the chorus is:

If I gave you all my money
What would you do with so much cash?

The Egyptian Lover is Greg Broussard, a 40-something producer of electro music based in L.A.  He had some popularity in the 80s thanks to breakdance-friendly tracks like “Egypt, Egypt”.  Recurring themes in E.L.’s work are women getting freaky, braggadocio about beat quality, and of course Egypt.  Having seen him perform live (he still tours), I can tell you that he is completely earnest in all that he does.  He is also not lacking in self-esteem.  From a 2006 interview:

Q:  This is your third LP. Do you think the West Coast sound differs from the East?
A:  When I started making records, there were no West Coast rappers, so to me, there is no West Coast sound. As far as fast up-tempo stuff … It’s an EGYPTIAN LOVER SOUND. So the West Coast rapper that does a fast up-tempo … got it from me.

The Egyptian Lover’s oeuvre is large, and it will take time to reach a full appreciation of his artistry.  But for now, I will leave you with a prime example of The E’s freestyling skills, also from “$”:

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January 7, 2009 10:34 pm

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