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Google vs Yahoo!


To be honest, I’m fascinated with

Last search terms

this tomato is so full of life

What you’re looking at is the search terms that have brought people like you to TOE in the past 29 minutes 37 seconds.

There’s entertainment value in this chart even if you have to strain your eyes to read it.

Especially when you compare result rankings between what I think are the 2 leading search engines in the US today.




In that order.

Of course, there are certain queries that Yahoo! handles better. By better

I mean better for TOE.

It’s called organic traffic, when a person like you queries a search engine and clicks on a TOE result simply because it ranks well.

For example

A person queries [being dumb]. Here’s Google’s ranking:

they really are

1st page, 6th result–>How It Feels Being Dumb, Set to MF Doom | ::the open end::

Another person also queries [being dumb], but in Yahoo!:

so full of life.

1st result, 1st page–>Being Dumb | ::the open end::


But, to be honest, Yahoo!’s snippet result for Being Dumb is so ambiguous

that I’d rather have a person coming from Google’s result,

which has a snippet that captures the essence of the post and therefore brings more relevant users to TOE,

that is to say, users likely to be more interested in the content of the result:

Users more informed.

Yahoo! feels the following is sufficiently descriptive to capture the essence of my post:

Have you ever been caught being dumb? Have you ever been trying to do something clever, How It Feels Being Dumb, Set to MF Doom

And, directly beneath that, the following snippet, just as ambiguous:

Have you ever been caught being dumb? Have you ever been trying to do something Like I said before, me being dumb shouldn’t have any affect on him.

On the other hand, Google is right on with their snippet:

Oct 20, 2009 Have you ever been caught being dumb? Have you ever been trying to do something clever, and been caught just when everything goes wrong?

They even include the date. It’s details like these that makes Google synonymous with internet.

Google informs its users. Google educates us right from the query.

And, to be honest,

at this point in the game of TOE, I prefer educated visitors over nearly blind ones.

By educated I mean people who click on a TOE result because they’re interested in the content, not because it ranks well.

These are the people who stand a better chance of enjoying the content on TOE and becoming regular readers as opposed to retracing their steps and going elsewhere.

October 29, 2009 1:23 am

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