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Indie Press, Tiny TOE Press, Interviewed

Tiny TOE Press

Forgive me for rarely talking.

You probably think I’m bashful.

I’m not. I just wait until I have something to say.

*   *   *

First, we were interviewed for the July 2012 issue of Tuck Magazine.

Editor Val B. Russell had some insightful questions that got us thinking about the nature of our project.

You can read it here.

*   *   *

Several days after that we were interviewed on live radio.

You heard me right.

91.7 FM KOOP has a program every Wednesday called Writing On The Air (WOTA).

Follow their tweets on Twitter here.

Anyhow, WOTA graciously invited us into their studio to talk about our new book, Heart of Scorpio.

They also invited the author, Joseph Avski, and the translator, Mark David McGraw.

It was a panel discussion that got into writing, translating, and publishing.

You can listen to the entire show, including Mark reading an excerpt from Heart of Scorpio, here.

You can order a handpressed copy of Heart of Scorpio here.

*   *   *

And several days after that we had a stimulating conversation about micro-press publishing with Author Karen Lillis.

Her blog, Karen the Small Press Librarian, has been a great resource to so many involved in the world of writing.

You can eavesdrop on us here.

As always, with love,
Tiny TOE

July 24, 2012 7:16 pm

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