::ABOUT THE BOOK:: Hunted by amateur assassins, confounded by a mysterious notebook, and vexed by modern technology, a derelict vampire travels west to Chicago for answers. And maybe a little blood. Pulp/Noir ::PRESS:: Snark and Fury w/ Aaron Smithies ::PRAISE:: Poorly summed up, one could call it a cranky vampire road trip. Under the “ff you like…” category, I’d place it with early Christopher Moore or some of A. Lee Martinez’ better work. It’s honestly super-good in a way where you’ll ask yourself, “Why hasn’t a major publishing house picked this up?” I can easily feel the vampire’s voice narrating this whole story, as he’s driving down the I-90 on his roadtrip. He’s snarky and sarcastic, and he’s a little bored. The Mosquito Song or, more specifically, its vampire narrator is a solid antidote to Twilight overkill. The narrator strikes a tone I’ve never heard in a vampire story before. His acerbic, cynical voice is already a reprieve from all that vampiric self-loathing and earnesty… but this vampire is also playful. He flirts his way across the Midwest, more bemused than outraged by his attackers, cheerfully amoral and yet never atavistic. ::PLAY AUDIO EXCERPT:: Audio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Download the latest version here. You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. ::PERUSE:: Also available at Farewell Books in Austin, Texas.::ABOUT THE AUTHOR:: M. L. Kennedy has contributed to various online publications, including Inside Pulse Movies, Moodspins, Beyond the Threshold, and Diehard GameFAN. He hopes that his work will one day inspire poorly crafted and sexually uncomfortable fan-fiction. Kennedy currently lives in Chicago with his wife, Jen, and their daughter, Thalia. Follow further Mosquito Song developments on this tumblr. |
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