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Lisa Mann

The mouth is full of
cotton grief that
chokes the throat
It spits the silhouette of words
as silently as rust

The heart is torn
and can no longer keep the beat
It withers into something small
that cannot feel
rejects the tears,
the joy,
and bolts-up anger’s door

Hands fumble for the keys
that once unlocked the gate
the fingers find
the silver size and shape
but locks have changed and
keys no longer fit

The spirit takes its tired defeat
and disappears.

AUTHOR BIO:: Raised by wolves in the Mojave desert, Lisa was released to civilization at an early age, where she discovered books of poetry by Anne Sexton, novels by Tom Robbins and characters like Bonanza Jellybean. Her poetry has been previously published in Jeopardy, a Western Washington University publication, Howl, and the Desert Writers Issue of The Sun Runner.

September 21, 2018 8:08 am

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