Having trouble coming up with a title for your latest blog post?
Or maybe you’re having an even bigger
like trying to decide what to write about. Hey, it’s nothing to be ashamed of;
we all have writer’s block, periods of sterility.
It’s part of being human.
But rather than fight your own nature, why not embrace it
and let spambots do the work for you?
I’m absolutely serious.
Next time you sit down to write a post and don’t know what to write about,
or you know what to write about but don’t know how to make your title search engine friendly,
just turn to the hundreds of perpetual comments trusty spambots leave behind
on your blog.
They’re always there for you,
relegated to your SPAM tab in the comments section, waiting for the mass delete.
But don’t be so quick to hit DELETE ALL next time you’re purging your comments.
Instead, take a second to read column after column of seemingly meaningless links.
It’s educational.
While most are pharmaceutical/porn related,
there are some that strike a note of clarity
and point you in the direction of high-quality content.
Regardless of their nature, every meaningless link is tailored for current
click-through trends and rife with strategically placed keywords.
That said, next time the blogging tank runs dry, try these titles.
Think of them as prompts written by a very attuned, robotic hand:
- belly button infections
- santa stationary printable children
- signs of leaking amniotic fluid
- winn dixie supermaket toy trucks
- free graffiti tool
- acrostic poems that have the word environmental
- scary mazes that scare you
- otis lennon test online
- pictures of cornrows hair braiding
- woody guthrie tab
- gangster writing alphabet
- weegie board online
- lil wayne and birdman kissing live
- pull down attic stairs
- bible wisdom murdock
- computer prank picture scares
- judge judy s bailiff divorced
- mold growth on bread experiment
- poetry examples for assonance
- unblock myspace from school
- funny christmas skits
- webkinz secrets cheats
Please, don’t think of this list as SPAM even though that’s exactly what it is.
Instead, think of this list as a bank of queries people often type into search engines.
If you do that,
this could be the only advice you’ll ever need as a blogger.