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Pabst Blue Ribbon Coffin :: Bill Bramanti


This post has been reblogged to death starting as early as May of 2008.  I’m not even sure who got the story first, but I think it was USA Today.

67 year old Illinois native, Bill Bramanti built his future coffin in the shape of a Pabst Blue Ribbon beer can because he just really loves the beer. Until he passes away, he’s using the coffin as a beer cooler, but admits that he has actually gotten inside the coffin to test the size. He even threw a party where he used the coffin to store beers for his friends. We just hope none of his friends became mentally unstable after they found out it was his final resting place.

Anyone know what’s going on with Bill Bramanti of South Chicago Heights?  If he’s still using the coffin regularly as a PBR cooler, I wonder how it’s holding up.

Thanks, Emma!

July 29, 2009 11:24 pm

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