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Walk Now for Autism


Walk Now for Autism logo

This event, held by Autism Speaks, takes place in 75 locations throughout the U.S., Canada, and the U.K. yearly. Registration is free, but participants are encouraged to collect donations. 100% of the proceeds help to fund research, awareness, advocacy, and family services for Autism Spectrum Disorders.

I will be joining a team for the Walk at Crandon Park in Miami on February 22. I encourage you to find the event in your area and sign up! You can participate as an individual or as a member of a team. Events of this sort usually require a registration fee, so this is a great opportunity for everyone to just get outside for a little exercise that will count!

Even if you’re not interested or able to participate yourself, you can still show your support by visiting my page.

For more information about Autism Spectrum Disorders and this event, please visit the official event website.

January 19, 2009 6:28 pm

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