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Hot TOE :: SAE’s Paddy Murphy Week Concert


It must be fate, me being where I’m sitting right now.  One day I will write a history of the events that led up to me living in this very moment, beginning with my birth in a Miami hospital.

But for now, I’m only going to write about this moment.  Let’s start with the music:

That’s MF Doom spilling Doomsday into the mic with Sade singing Kiss of Love in the backdrop. These sounds are what comfort my thoughts via stock iPod earbuds.

I’m sitting here, in this glider, all by myself, unless you consider this view company:

If this is in fact company, then I’m together with people outdoors, breathing from the same pool of fresh air.

The air unites us, makes us air relatives, and functional members of society.

But, more specifically, what brings me to the keyboard, which happens to be located in a tropical land that is populated with emotionally and physically fit flora and fauna, is a momentous event.

Or at least an event momentous enough to interrupt basking in the sun that warms my face as I hydrate on ice water in a plastic cup.

It’s nothing less grand than Sigma Alpha Epsilon’s Paddy Murphy Week Concert. This year the national chapter of higher-learning debauchery serenades the breezeway patio with The Ying-Yang Twins.

The American crunk rap duo from Atlanta will be headlining the concert that last year brought in the likes of Afro Man.

The concert on the patio is free but accepts donations.  SAE believes that the event will raise several thousand dollars to get them closer to their goal of $12,000.  They will be asking for donations at the entrance and SAE brothers will be combing the crowd with jugs accepting further acts of charity.

Last year Afro Man helped the fraternity reach their goal of $11,000.

The proceeds of their fundraiser go to the Children’s Miracle Network.

Not meant to appear as an aside even though it has been relegated to the bottom of the page, the rock-funk jam band from University of Miami, Beckham County Trainwreck, will be opening for The Ying-Yang Twins at 8 PM, and the Atlanta team is expected to make us dirty an hour later.

Location:  University of Miami Patio.
Time:  Show starts at 8 PM.
Cost:  Free, but bring your wallets.

Be crunked or be squared.

April 17, 2009 3:21 pm

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