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Contributor Bios

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I’m 29 30 31 32 33 years old. Hospital-born in Southwest Miami, I now live in North Miami Beach, Miami Beach, Austin. These are some of my published pieces: Inside 553 (Literary Potpourri – RIP) // Sunset Cliffs (Outsider Ink – RIP) // Rise and Fall (Whistling Shade) // The Kids (42opus) // Ocean Beach (Snow Monkey) // Woman & Writer (Entrepôt) // Burnt Orange, last name EVER, first name GREATEST, Miami Beach Living (BackPocket) // On Being Indie (TheNextBestBook) // Sinews (matchbook) // Not A Raging Bull (Eclectic Flash) // Magic Truffle (plain wrap) // Cardboard (WordPlaySound) // Cardboard (Orange Alert Podcast) Yellow Pelican Case (Red Fez) // How to Avoid Bad Book Reviews (Indie Author News) // How to Avoid Bad Book Reviews (Passive Voice) // Assessing Calamity (Keep This Bag Away From Children). I tumble, I tweet, I interview, I novel. Subscribe here for sporadic updates on the sequel.

wnuWNU lives in Chicago, where he nurtures a very out-of-place avocado tree and dabbles in experiments like this one.
bridgetBridget recently embarked on her journey toward a Ph.D. in clinical psychology. She is frantically building a life of research and practice around autism spectrum disorders and herocious. Feel free to contact her regarding autism, psychopathology, fine art, green/alternative housing, yoga, buddhism, vegetarian cooking, and all sorts of topics you think you’d both be interested in.
christopher slyChris Huang has been wandering near and far lands ever since graduating from the University of Chicago. He hopes to someday find his way. flickr

CATCarl Abbot Thunem is contemplating buying a recliner and likes to grow pumpkins.

emmaEmma lives in NYC.

ML KennedyML Kennedy has been injecting undiluted internet into his bloodstream since 1998. In the past, he has written for Popcorn Junkies, The DVD Lounge, Moodspins, and Pulse Wrestling. He is currently a regular contributor to Diehard GameFAN. Xylo, the Wolf Baron

::mrjellyfish::mrjellyfish eyes the icicles on your eaves and knows how well your home is insulated.

shaggyDiego Serrano is on a mission. One day, he will know what that mission is.

Diego Serrano is on vacation. He has recently moved to Chile. Where the weather is beautiful, the people are friendly and the American dollar is still thriving. His ideal life? No working, being owner of the Dallas cowboys, and spending all his copious amounts of money on fun stuff… who needs a therapist when you have ATVs?

silvioSilvio Diaz lives on an island in Biscayne Bay. Silvio Diaz & Co. Realtors

victoryMonica Gutierrez lives in Houston. She enjoys cooking, reading, and oil painting, mostly landscapes. Her greatest enjoyment though, is spending time with her husband, Victor Carlos, and her son, Victor David.

miss clareMiss Clare is a third grader who lives in Stow, Ohio. She enjoys spending time playing with her best friend Bayley. Her favorite snack is raspberries, her favorite color is navy blue, and her favorite animal is the polar bear. She likes to spend time swimming at the beach in Florida. She thinks running and reading Harry Potter are very fun. She has a puppy named Buddy and a kitten named Gizzmo.

jesterT.M. Lindsey is a freelance comedy writer whose foray into comedy began with a satiric weekly column in The Daily Iowan in 1993, before finding a new home on a myriad of satiric blogs including Witsend Here, Nussle & Flow, and Political Fallout. Say Something Funny is the new comedic face on the block. To help feed my comedy writing habit, I’ve written straight journalism for the Iowa Independent and the Iowa Veterans Blog

When I’m not writing humor and satire, I teach high school English in Iowa City, Iowa to pay most of the bills. The rest I’ve forwarded to God, who I TRUST will pay in a timely fashion. Most of my waking hours are spent raising my three boys and reenacting Sisyphus as I push a never-ending pile of students’ papers to the top of a hill with the intent of pushing them over the edge — only to have them roll back in an attempt to kill me. Say Something Funny

patriPatricia Rotsztain Frost was born in Argentina in 1964. She is fully bilingual (Spanish-English), has a Bachelor’s Degree from the School of Law in the University of Buenos Aires, a Master’s Degree in Mental Health Counseling from the School of Psychological Studies in Nova Southeastern University, FL, and is a Certified Lifestyle Counselor (AALC), and Certified Hypnotherapist (National Guild of Hypnotists).

She is currently a Ph.D. candidate in Natural Health. She believes that well-being is a birthright and knowledge is power. Her mission is to assist her clients in finding the knowledge they need to achieve well-being. Create Your Health.

::kirstensayshi::My name is Kirsten. I am 13 years old in the 8th grade. I love spending time with my family & friends. I like writing stories and drawing. I have a dog named Chipper and a cat named Cuddles. I also like being in front AND behind the camera! I am actually scared of alot of things like death, upside down rollarcoasters, alligators, and sharks. I like being outside and I will eat anything. Okay, well I don’t know what else to say so BYE! krazyykikii

::luli::Luli Sulichin is the owner of Miami Shopping Tours, a personalized shopping service in South Florida. As a stylist and personal shopper, she works closely with the top hotels on South Florida beaches. She advises clients so that they’ll always know how to wear the perfect outfit. The Perfect Outfit // Miami Shopping Tours

::DB73::Lives in Miami…
::patricia::Patricia lives in S. Florida. She was born in Barranquilla, Colombia. She has 2 children.

::writer x::A curious writer who can’t help but write about the things that most people overlook. THE 100 MOST ANNOYING THINGS blog began last year as a writing exercise to overcome writer’s block. It’s grown into a popular blog with 10,000+ visitors a week from all over the world proving that misery loves company with all things annoying. When I’m not busy writing about things that annoy me, I’m busy writing books.

::jrm::I’m a man ok. AdEasel

::atticus::E-mail: atticusshepard [at] gmail [dot] com

churchpunkmomMegan is a home schooling mom of 5 young children and wife to one very talented web developer/geek extraordinaire. Living in Des Moines, Iowa after spending most of her life in Northern California. Loves animals, music, chocolate, kids, and talking in the third person.

::gooner::A 30 something househusband bringing up 3 monsters. The Life and Times of a Househusband

::oneshouldreadeverything::emma is 18, lives in virginia, and is bound for college this fall, where she hopes to study something english/literature/writing-related. aside from writing, she loves to read (hence the username), drink coffee, and revel in whatever sleep she can get. oneshouldreadeverything

::andrew::Andrew is a student of law studying at the University of East Anglia, England. He can usually be found buried in his textbooks, scribbling madly in his notebook or engaged in a contemplative midnight stroll. His writing interests include the outright bizarre and the seductively colourful.

Andrew is a trainee journalist currently residing in the United Kingdom and his aspirations include; purchasing the world’s largest cookie, eating said cookie and appearing on the front page of The Times newspaper. On a more sensible note, Andrew loves writing, reading and all things media.

::mr babylon::A gracious guest.

tinTin Salamunic was born in Bosnia, grew up in Munster Germany, and finished his BFA in Communication Arts in Richmond, VA at Virginia Commonwealth University. Tin has continued to reside in Richmond, VA where he continues to provide commercial and editorial illustrations to national and international clients including: Mountain Dew, ESPN The Magazine, Men’s Health, Runner’s World, Washington Post, Military Officer Magazine, PEARSON, and many more.

Tin also serves as an adjunct faculty member at VCU (Virginia Commonwealth Univerisity) where he instructs courses such as: Concept Art, Digital drawing, Comics and Graphic Novels, Figure drawing, Sequential imaging and senior project/studio. This accomplished illustrator and instructor has also received awards for his compelling digital illustrations from organizations such as American Illustration, 3×3 Magazine, Society of Illustrators of New York and Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles. Tin’s work has a direct focus on concept art for film and television, editorial/advertising illustration as well as video games and comic books/graphic novels. Salamunic Illustration

::lisarokusek::This is me in Virtual World, while working in the real world. Merging my online identities, connecting via social media (which I have valued since before it was social media, yet find necessary to examine critically) in my work as a recruiter. I am dancing with the second year of business out on my own. It is fun but holy cow! If it was easy everyone would be doing it, right? The Rhino and the Buddha

Writer, Marketer, New Yorker. Light Baggage

This idiot horse bit off Tom’s hand when he tried to feed him a pinecone. That’s about it I think. Tom Oatmeal

My home is the only blue spot in red Texas, and it’s still not good enough.

A Southern by the Grace of God storyteller, born and raised in Mississppi. Lives and works in Austin, Texas. Began writing at some point and will probably never be finished. Enso Magazine

Al Billings is sixty-two years old, the bastard child of a drunk French Canadian sailor from providence, Rhode Island and his gullible girlfriend. Washed ashore by myriad literary and artistic currents, he has struggled to portray the world in which he lives. By his own admission, he is rarely fully successful. Billings lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife and his banjo. Dreaming of Open Water

Born in Lamia, Greece, live here because I have to, write because I need to, usually have no idea about my purpose on this planet, but somehow manage to stay put to try and find out. Setty Lepida’s Reel

Ashley is the quintessential Libra soul: free spirited, idealist, inspired by anything she finds beauty residing within. She currently lives in Austin, Texas, with an agenda of self-discovery while enjoying the comforts of good music, great food, and excellent community. From This Perspective

Prior to becoming an attorney, Judy worked over 10 years for high-end boutiques in South Florida. Since then, Judy has been designing beautiful and exotic fashion-forward pieces for several years alongside the artisans of Colombia. Her love of fashion, travel, culture and her native Colombian roots paved the way for Global Fashionista, her new business venture launched in 2010.

Matthew Hernandez (matthew [at] mjhernandez [dot] com) is a graphic Designer and Illustrator based out of Lafayette, LA. Matthew J. Hernandez

Noah Cicero is 30 years old and lives in Youngstown, Ohio. He has written too many books in a short amount of time. Some of them are The Human War, The Insurgent and The Condemned. Best Behavior will be out in a few months and The Human War the movie will be showing in festivals this year. Noah Cicero will also be graduating from Youngstown State University in May with a Political Science degree. The Outsider

Jordan Castro (b. 1992) is the author of Supercomputer (Deckfight Press, 2011) and two other e-books. He is the co-author of Cute (Thumbscrews Press, 2011) and two other chapbooks. He maintains a blog and a Twitter account. His full-length poetry book, if i really wanted to feel happy, i’d feel happy already will be released by Black Coffee Press in 2013.

Declan Tan is a freelance journalist from London. His work has not appeared in the Atlantic, New Yorker, SmokeLong Quarterly, Three Penny Review, Monkey Bicycle, or etc. Defunct Already

Mitchell Hagerstrom was born in Iowa City, now lives in Austin. In between were sojourns on (or in) the East Coast, the West Coast, two Southern states, a Mid-West state, some Pacific Islands, and the Far East. Many of these locales reappear in her fictions. Mitchell blogs here.

Mitch Manning is a poet living in Austin, Texas where he works as a bartender. He studied English and Classics at Suffolk University in Boston and Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. He is a co-founder of Suffolk University’s Classics program.His work has appeared in the Charles River Journal. He will attend the MFA program in poetry at UMass Boston this fall. Poems Like Me

Gregory Sherl’s first full-length poetry collection, Heavy Petting, was released last September. His new collection, The Oregon Trail is the Oregon Trail, is out now. He blogs at http://gregorysherlisgregorysherl.com/.

Gregory Sherl’s debut full-length poetry collection, Heavy Petting (YesYes Books, 2011), can be ordered here (http://yesyesbooks.com/store/). He can be reached at jesuis.gregory@gmail.com. Valium

J. A. Tyler is the author of A Man of Glass & All the Ways We Have Failed and has recent work with Diagram, Black Warrior Review, Fourteen Hills, and New York Tyrant. He is also founding editor of Mud Luscious Press. For more, visit: http://chokeonthesewords.com.

Years ago, when I first hit bottom and ended up in a substance abuse center, I learned that I was allergic to drugs. I was told I suffered from a disease that had no cure but that it could be arrested and that recovery was possible. My substance abuse counselor was a recovering addict who had sixteen years clean. He explained that the very first thingthat I needed to do if I wanted lasting recovery was to accept that I could not use drugs successfully. It has been difficult for me to accept this. I have always had a reservation. This reservation has taken me out several times. Today I’m working on first things first.

Parker Tettleton’s work is featured in &/or forthcoming from Gargoyle, Word Riot, PANK, elimae, > kill author & Mud Luscious, among others. His first chapbook, SAME OPPOSITE, is available from Thunderclap! Press & another is due out soon. More or less is here.

Jeremiah Waltion was born February 12, 1995, and lives in New Hampshire where he is editor of Nostrovia! Poetry and Walking Is Still Honest. He is author of Gatsby’s Abandoned Children (Underground Books) and To Your Health: Humanity’s Diagnosis. He wants to write honest poetry, and promote the poetic community as a whole to those who dismiss poetry as “pretentious and boring”.

Jeremiah Walton is a youth poet from New England where he attends High School. Jeremiah is author of two collections of poetry Nostrovia!, his first paperback, and To Your Health: Humanities Diagnosis, a free ebook collection. Nostrovia! Poetry, a website Jeremiah manages, is a website dedicated to poets and writers, offering a free contest and guest blog to submit to, and have your writing published on.

I am 21 years old, I like cats, fake mustaches, sombreros and tweeting. I write stuff and post it online sometimes. I work installing wall panels for an interior design company.
My blog: http://loudintensesobbing.blogspot.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/ed_quinones

Publisher of handpressed books. Our titles, in the ordered they went global, are: Austin Nights, The Mosquito Song, Miss Gone-overseas, Heart of Scorpio, The Persistence of Crows, Rarity of the Century. We’ve been interviewed here: Tuck Magazine // Karen the Small Press Librarian. We’ve gotten press here: Jacke Wilson. Links: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Etsy, Official Website.

Allen Butler is a freelance writer and tutor living in Austin, TX. More of his work can be found at http://contributor.yahoo.com/user/752/allen_butler.html

Grant Maierhofer is the author of The Persistence of Crows, a novel recently made available online for Kindle, as well as PDF for Adobe Acrobat. He writes a column for the music website Delphian Inc., and is currently at work revising another novel for submission and fine-tuning The Persistence of Crows for the eventual publication as a paperback. He recorded this brief dissertation as to the book’s drive and purpose overall that can be viewed HERE.

Andy-O can be reached at andyoco (at) gmail.com. The Bon Iver Project.

Loren Kantor is a Los Angeles based woodcut artist and writer. For the past two decades he’s worked in the film and music industry. He carves original woodcut and linocut prints based on his favorite cultural figures. Woodcuttingfool.

Patrick Trotti is the author of five digital story collections. Dozens of his short stories have been published in both print and online literary journals. His nonfiction, mostly book reviews, have appeared at jmww, Specter Magazine, and The Mad Hatters’ Review. He’s the Founder/Editor of the online literary magazine (Short) Fiction Collective and is the Co-Founder and Co-Editor of the online literary magazine THOUSAND SHADES OF GRAY. He works as an Editorial Assistant for Tiny Hardcore Press and is a reader for literary journal PANK. To find out more about his books or other work check out www.patricktrotti.tumblr.com.

A boring 25 year old Philadelphian into philosophy and spiritual type stuff. Currently a student earning a Masters in Education. Would like to be a high school English teacher. Would really like to write books for the rest of my life. Favorite authors: Deepak Chopra, John Fante, Charles Bukowski, Hemingway. Favorite other people: Louis C.K.

::gabriel böhmer::Writer Gabriel Böhmer was born in Zurich, and has lived in London, Buenos Aires, and Boston. He enjoys long distance running, building fires (to cook things), and banging on random objects to see what sound they’ll make. His novel Beetle Days is a satire about the greed and herd mentality one so often sees today. Told as a fable of talking sheep, people, and dissatisfied beetles. A bit experimental. Sometimes silly. Sometimes sad. About here. And there. Him. And you. Official Site. Twitter. Kickstarter. Campaign ends Feb 15th.

::david nguyen::David Nguyen is an actor and aspiring filmmaker. He plans to one day pay all his bills with acting money, but for now he tutors math and offers instruction in other skills such as voice or piano. He wishes he was sillier but is too serious for that that kind of nonsense.

Michael J Seidlinger is the author of My Pet Serial Killer, The Sky Conducting,In Great Company, The Day We Delay, and a limited edition collection of experimental musings called The Artist in Question. He has been a lot of things but nowhere near as much as what he hasn’t managed to become. Odds are he will never be much more than what he already is, but he’s optimistic; he wants to believe that the aforementioned statement is a positive rather than negative one. He’s been a painter, sculptor, vocalist, bassist, DJ, professional boxer, game designer, car washer/detailer, short-lived drifter, and mover/construction slave. He enjoys good company, good conversation, good food, good drink, good wisdom, good books, good films, good fights, good videogames, and plenty of really bad, bad decisions. Looking for a good time? Contact him at your earliest convenience. Disclaimer: Michael J Seidlinger cannot guarantee that you’ll have a “good time.”

dom schwab is currently moving to Chicago. He is a writer of poetry and prose, some of which appear on social media accounts:
Blogger: http://anxiouslollygagging.blogspot.com/
Tumblr: http://anxiouslollygagging.tumblr.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/domschwab

I am a contributor to the CollegeAtHome.com project, who recently published this infographic. I am working with the other contributors at CollegeAtHome.com to build a free web resource rich with highly relevant educational materials covering a wide range of general information topics about taking online courses for those interested.

Debi lives in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia on the East Coast of Canada. She admits to spending a good chunk of time gazing out the window at the Halifax Harbour. To those that live on the Halifax side of the harbour, Dartmouth is known as the Darkside. Debi readily accepts this and deems it to be a perfect place for her to reside. She has come face to face with many forms of darkness and now uses her emerging creativity to explore and expose some of that darkness. She is peeling back the layers of abuse, rape, being part of a cult, years of self-destructive behaviours and a near fatal suicide attempt to find her true self. Creating art and writing is helping her find her way. Follow her on Twitter.

Beach Sloth blogs hard.

Sarah Adkins has earned a Master of Fine Arts in Poetry from Chatham University and is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity degree. She cohabitates with three cats and enjoys painting and playing the clarinet. She also skateboards poorly. You can find her writing blog at http://sadkins.wordpress.com.

Scenes & fever dreams from an American art-maker. America did this to me! For more comic artististry: http://youguysaremyfriends.com/. Find Nacho on twitter too: @NachoNova

andrew schneider is a writer from madison, wisconsin. his work has been published in such places as affectionate and the now-defunct imgaypress. he tweets at @schneidysrevolt.

Horatio Somersault is the Director and Regent Chancellor of the VUR Institute, a think tank involving (among other things) time travel, utopian science and unicorn breeding. When not running VUR’s daily operations, Dr. Somersault enjoys writing poems and fables. You can read his writings, as well as those of other VUR inhabitants, here. His last known-and-verified place of residence was a glass dome floating inside the water core of the moon Europa. You can follow his experiences adapting to the customs of the early 21st century on his Twitter and can email him at vurinstitute at gmail dot com.

Fawzy Zablah was born in El Salvador in 1976 but mostly raised in Miami. He’s been down and out in Philly, Rome, Amsterdam, Dublin, and New York City. His debut novel Rarity of the Century will be published by Tiny TOE Press in the fall. He is also the author of the short story collection Ciao! Miami published in 2006. His short stories can be found at places like Acentos Review, Red Fez, and 3AM Magazine. He blogs at: http://mipatriaeslaliteratura.blogspot.com/.

Thomas Puhr lives in Chicago. He graduated from Dominican University, where he studied English and Secondary Education. He has worked as a copy editor for the Journal of Global Social Work Practice. In addition to writing short stories, plays, and screenplays, he also enjoys updating his film blog: http://screenicebergs.blogspot.com/.

Samantha Memi lives in London. http://samanthamemi.weebly.com/.

I am a fiction/screen writer who holds a BA in screenwriting from Columbia College Chicago. I was a triple finalist in the 2013 Written Image Screenwriting Competition, and am Columbia’s current nominee for the 2014 WGA Michael Collyer Fellowship in Screenwriting. I currently reside in the Chicagoland area, where I am crafting a spec-lit novel in between bouts of spontaneous half-marathon running. I’ve got a site in which I post a new flash fiction piece every Friday, which can be found at: www.nicksfics.com.

Nicholas Olson is a fiction/screen writer who holds a BA in Cinema Art+Science from Columbia College Chicago. A triple finalist in the 2013 Written Image Screenwriting Competition, he currently resides in the Chicagoland area where he works as a transcriber, operates a weekly-updating flash fiction site (which can be found at www.nicksfics.com), and is crafting a novel in between bouts of spontaneous half-marathon running and wrangling his rowdy kitten Remy.

Joseph Robert notices you sneaking furtive glances at him whilst he tries to read the newspaper. “What’s your problem?” he asks. Although it’s clear that what he means by this is ‘Don’t you dare project your problems onto me.’ What do you do? Go to page 6. if you say, “You’re my problem, pal!” Go to the next page if instead you quickly glance back down at what you’re pretending to read.

Leilanie Stewart’s poems have been published in dozens of print and online literary magazines in the UK and US. Recently her work appeared in the Best of 2013 Storm Cycle Anthology published by Kind of a Hurricane Press in May this year. Her debut poetry pamphlet, A Model Archaeologist, is forthcoming from Eyewear Publishing’s 20/20 pamphlet series in February 2015. She currently lives in London with her poet and writer husband, Joseph Robert. Her writing blog is at www.leilaniestewart.wordpress.com

Raised by wolves in the Mojave desert, Lisa was released to civilization at an early age, where she discovered books of poetry by Anne Sexton, novels by Tom Robbins and characters like Bonanza Jellybean. Her poetry has been previously published in Jeopardy, a Western Washington University publication, Howl, and the Desert Writers Issue of The Sun Runner.

Josh Markwell is from Santa Barbara, California, and writes short stories, poetry and screenplays because when you’re making stuff up there’s no lonely times, just stories.

Connor Coyne is a writer living and working in Flint, Michigan. His new serial novel, Urbantasm, has been praised by Nebula-nominee as “a novel of wonder and horror.” Coyne’s other work includes his novels Hungry Rats and Shattering Glass and a short story collection titled Atlas. Coyne’s essay “Bathtime” was included in the Picador anthology Voices from the Rust Belt. His work has been published in Vox.com, Belt Magazine, Santa Clara Review, and elsewhere. He maintains websites at Urbantasm.com and ConnorCoyne.com and can be reached by email at connor@connorcoyne.com

September 8, 2010 4:50 pm

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