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Campaign Finance Fraud



An article appeared today on The Center for Public Integrity (winner of the 2014 Pulitzer Prize) titled “How ‘Citizens United’ is helping Hillary Clinton win the White House.” Above the title, in red, it says “Buying of the President 2016,” and under the title, in gray, it says “Reforms wait as Democrat’s allies target GOP with super PACs, ‘dark money’”

It begins:

“Hillary Clinton fashions herself as the ultimate general in a war against big-money politics.”

Read the rest here.

By the way, this comment goes deeper:

“There is just so much going on in this article (which is also on the front page of NBC News’ website). One of the things that really jumped out at me, that I had not seen before, was this little tid bit about some guy from Boston named John Fish:

Federal records show Suffolk Construction’s John Fish is a major political bankroller, having personally donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to federal candidates and committees over the years. Fish, who the Federal Reserve named chairman of the board of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, did not return requests for comment. Most of Fish’s contributions went to Democrats, including Clinton’s presidential campaign. But Fish also last year contributed to the presidential campaigns of Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Gov. Chris Christie, R-N.J.

So I went and looked him up on Open Secrets and found this

He was named to be chairman of the Boston Fed on Dec. 4, 2015. What I find really strange, when looking at those donor records from Open Secrets, is that he then contributed $25,000 to the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee 2 weeks later on Dec. 18 while listing “Suffolk Construction” as his occupation. Looking further down, I noticed that he also gave monthly donations ranging from $437 – $450 starting January 2015 to as recent as January 2016 (while conspicuously skipping contributing in Dec. 2015). For those contributions, which all went to Reynolds American, Inc. PAC, he lists his occupation as “RAI Services Company,” which as far as I can tell is the lobbying arm by the tobacco company (and PAC he is contributing to) Reynolds American, Inc.

Just to add on to this, he maxed out the $2,700 limit to Hillary Clinton, Martin O’Malley, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, and many others. And also gave the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee $33,400 in May 2015.

Finally, and I don’t understand how this works, his name is listed 3 different ways. John Fish, John F. Fish, and John H. Fish. The third variation is only used when he is in his lobbying role, along with a D.C. address, while the other two variations are used the other instances and always with a Massachusetts address.

Can anyone tell me if there are rules against giving contributions when sitting on the board of a Fed bank? And is there anything wrong about the name variations? He’s listed as John F. Fish on the Boston Fed website.”

April 7, 2016 9:49 am

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