Listen to a 3-part harmony and tell me you haven’t heard something beautiful.
Tell me you don’t like it at all.
It sounds like shit.
Tell me you’ve heard better from the 3 cats that keep you company when you sit outside in the rain.
Even if you feel it, don’t tell me I can win.
Even if you feel it, don’t tell me I can excel.
Even if you feel it, don’t tell me I can compete.
Listen to a poet reading her poem and tell me you haven’t heard something beautiful.
Tell me you don’t like it at all.
It sounds like shit.
Tell me you’ve heard better from the DJs on your morning drive to work.
Don’t admit to anything I want to hear.
Listen to a tree splitting and falling in the deepest forest and tell me you haven’t heard something beautiful.
Tell me you don’t like it at all.
It sounds like shit.
Tell me you’ve heard trees falling in the middle of the night that sounded like the footfalls of dinosaurs.
Even if you feel it, don’t tell me I can sing.
Even if you feel it, don’t tell me I can love.
Even if you feel it, don’t tell me I can dance.
Yesterday I wrote this. I don’t really care for it.
I know I could take it back, store it someplace too far out of the way to ever be found again.
But for some reason I’m going to leave it alone where it is and add this little disclaimer.
I think my trouble with it is the way it wrote itself.
I started out with a beautiful sound and then, because of the words I used, I went in the direction of a place I’d never been.
It’s like this sentence
Listen to a 3-part harmony and tell me you haven’t heard something beautiful.
led to this sentence
Tell me you don’t like it at all.
which led to this sentence.
It sounds like shit.
And I had no control over where I was being led. I followed the tracks. What else could I do?
Each word strapped me down tighter, until the only thing I could do was go until I couldn’t go anymore.
Then, no matter where I was, I couldn’t do anything about it. I was stopped and there was no more moving forward.
A forest enclosed me.
I could walk back and forth along these tracks and look around at the forest, but I couldn’t go anywhere else, even if I didn’t like it here.