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he said


It’s no good being a poet, a lover or an ex

Poets wish they had lovers, they wish these lovers

Could help them put all that tension to stanza

Lovers wish they had poets, they wish these poets

Saw them as ideally as a poem itself, how they love-make

How they heart-break, how they moan, and whisper and leave

As for the exes, perhaps they had once been

Lovers or poets

But they now simply can’t do either correctly

So poets write what they can, hoping to find a steady one

Who can hear them type from the other room

(Their exes were probably shitty when it came to that)

Lovers, love as is possible, sometimes

Succeeding in self-satisfaction better than in being good lovers

Hoping to find someone who doesn’t care less about love

As for the exes they suddenly don’t give a damn

About the poet, or the lover part; they suppose

Life can be better without someone commanding it as it is

They allow defeat

And in a way, that’s what poets and lovers

Will be doing in a few years of vocation

November 27, 2010 2:30 pm

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