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Most Amazingly Decorated Home in Houston :: Briar Grove Park


Although I wasn’t born in Houston, I did a lot of my growing up there. Briar Grove Park saw four, maybe five years of my life.

I don’t remember the neighborhood ever being outrageously decorated for Christmas, but this year one single-family house raised the bar and got noticed by more than just Briar Grove Park denizens.

The explosion of merry lights got the attention of the local news, which featured this amazing house, located on Briarbrook Dr, catty corner to a longtime friend’s house.

I took piano lessons several houses up the street.

My piano teacher was gray haired, bespectacled, and, after her kids left in pursuit of adulthood, lived alone with her Golden Retriever. She always wrote in cursive with a #2 pencil that could have been sharper, but was always just right.

She taught me how to play Bach’s Minuet in G Major, abridged.

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January 4, 2010 5:41 pm

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