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Frugality Séance


what it's like having a roni

I was asked to squeeze the basil.

I was told there was a non-negligible amount left, but it had to be squeezed like a tube of toothpaste.

We were making pesto from scratch for the linguine.

The basil was a crucial ingredient, so every molecule counted if flavor was to be of any concern.

I was up for the challenge.  Pesto is my favorite.

I took a deep breath, compressed the tube, slid my fingers towards the lip, did a little prayer as I used both thumbs to push the basil out in pellets.

It worked until a certain point.  Beyond that I had to implement scissors, which I used to cut the tube of basil in half.

Brain over matter.

I spun a spoon around the cylinder, collecting every ort, lit two of four votive candles, propped the empty cut halves on my broken eyeglasses, and took a snapshot of my frugality séance.

October 17, 2009 1:23 am

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