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Os Gemeos :: Best of Brazilian Street Art


I’ve been torn between secretly hoarding The Twins for myself (while I privately follow their every move, hoping that their world is still unbeknownst to my fellow artsy-fartsy Americans) and shouting their names out to everyone that I know and anybody else who might listen.  But now the time has come, and I know that it is only right for me to attempt to expose them to as many people as possible.

Os Gemeos, which is comprised of  Otavio and Gustavo Pandolfo, have created the most vibrant and enticing alternate reality that I can think of in contemporary art.  They started out just like millions of others, as self-taught graffiti kids.  But these masters of pattern and texture have evolved into a welcomed fixture in the streets of their native Brazil, where they’ve even been commisssioned to paint murals and the city trains, and have expanded their work to include impressive international gallery shows and museum exhibits, including Tate Modern.

This video presents their largest indoor exhibition to date. Titled “Too Far Too Close”, the show fills the gallery with the dreams and fantasies of Brazil: street kids, family portraits with mermaids, bathing girls, street musicians, favelas, flying animals, clowns and the reoccurring theme of twinship.  It invites viewers to explore the childhood of the Pandolfo brothers, while simultaneosly revisiting their own.  [If you wish to see more, check out Flickr.]

August 3, 2009 3:10 pm

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