In case you are not familiar with Twitter (bless your heart), people start trends – keywords prefaced with a hash mark – and thousands of people pile on with their 140-character-or-less contributions to the meme. In this case the trend is #haveyouever, and I am again reminded of the wisdom of my mother’s instruction not to talk to strangers.
laubrambilla #haveyouever cried so much that you fell asleep and than when you woke up you were crying again?
Propafresh #haveyouever had a body part that hurt when u touch it but u keep doing it but when some1 else touch it u start actin crazy
prosice #haveyouever wanted to do weird things like slap someone u didnt know in the face for no reason??? or am i the only one lol
tokiosoul483 #haveyouever caught someone on fire – on purpose?
pondiscio #haveyouever Dialed the wrong number and talk for 5 minutes not realizing it was the wrong person?
MzDom #haveyouever dry snitched on someone so u aint get in trouble?
MrJaybee #haveyouever got beat up by your mom for beating up your dad?
mrcelltech #haveyouever wished that you were alone? I mean really alone.
Chopsondatrack #haveyouever gettin sum head and tha gurl ask have been eatin pasta cuz u tatse lik garlic.
volpinator #haveyouever rubbed peanut butter all over your legs?
adhmann #haveyouever Stopped in front of a church and started singing a non religious song?
MeriiZantiago #haveyouever kissed a dead body?
TCA2009 #haveyouever Voted for TEEN CHOICE AWARDS?