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Pranking NPR


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It sounds like your run of the mill radio call-in, devoid of anything particularly interesting or insightful to add to the conversation. But this clip is actually a testament to the unflappability of host Neal Conan (and whoever the cell phone expert in the segment was).  You see, after Daniel from Hamburg said “Oh absolutely”, he continued with:

Ja! The vibrating strength on these new phones is sooo amazing! Ja, I mean, when you’re driving, you can stick one right in your scheisse-hole and stimulate the prostate very nicely.

Surprisingly, that did not make it into the final podcast cut, but the hosts simply brushed it off and riffed on the non-prank portions of his call as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened.  Was this an attempt at free advertising for the upcoming Bruno film?

June 12, 2009 1:01 am

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