I don’t think most people will find the humor in these; only if they are Colombian or have spent time living in Colombia, in which case all these funny memories come back to you.

Never miss a minute

Shit Or Don't Shit Entrance To The Bathroom Costs $500 Pesos

Jilton Hotel

Dames Bathroom - Damos Bathroom

Improvised lid

Improvised telephone services

Fax Services/Computer Services/C.D. Sales/Other Small Stupid Stuff For Sale

Makeshift diving board

Mean Dogs Do Not Approach

If You Are Not A Straight Shooter Sit Down To Urinate

We Deliver Painted Houses

We Sell Cold Ice

Urinating Is Prohibited/Fined A MACHETAZO!

The Ladies That Have Their Period Please Abstain From Using The Pool. Thanks!

We'll Grow Together, Faggot / Bancocolombia How High Do You Want to Get?

Canine bike messenger

Open - Please Honk

Executive Light Lunches

Glass - We Misspelled The Word, But We Do Know How To Place Them!

Colombian flag - improvised bathroom door

Zone For Stealing Cell Phones
Feel free to leave your translations in the comments.